Dec 24
Not So Much Ice, Ice Baby Anymore - The South And North Pole
As we obsessively look at the race tracker, watch as the pictogram of the Malizia - Seaexplorer edges forward every few hours and see this race digitally unfold, it's important to remember that the very place our skipper Boris Herrmann is sailing through is not just a distant, digital map. The Ocean and polar regions he traverses are crucial to the health of our planet. While many of us may never experience these wild, untouched landscapes firsthand, our actions have well and truly already made an impact on these environments already.
by Remy Johannsen

The Norwegian Arctic: a hotspot for climate change.
© Adam Sébire / Climate Visuals

Sea ice melt ponds. White surfaces reflect more heat than dark surfaces.
© Kathryn Hansen / NASA

A collapsed block of ice-rich permafrost along Drew Point, Alaska.
© Benjamin Jones/USGS

Taken from the back of the boat in the Southern Ocean during the third leg of The Ocean Race 2023.
© Antoine Auriol - Team Malizia

The Ocean Pack that allows us to measure accurate Ocean data which is then transmitted via satellite to climate scientists.
© Jimmy Horel - Team Malizia