Jun 24

“Back To Full Throttle Soon” - Boris Herrmann To Benefit From Northern Route In New York Vendée

Following a strategic move in the New York Vendée race, Team Malizia’s skipper Boris Herrmann is expected to soon gain advantages from his decision. Eight days into the race, the German solo sailor is getting closer to the stronger winds and downwind conditions he’s been chasing by going north, promising an exciting race until the finish.

by Hélène Katz

A perfect reflection of the foil on the surface of the water unfortunately means very slow speeds

A perfect reflection of the foil on the surface of the water unfortunately means very slow speeds

© Boris Herrmann / Team Malizia

Boris Herrmann onboard Malizia - Seaexplorer during the New York Vendée race

Boris Herrmann onboard Malizia - Seaexplorer during the New York Vendée race

© Boris Herrmann / Team Malizia

Boris Herrmann envoying his last apple in the New York Vendée race

Boris Herrmann envoying his last apple in the New York Vendée race

© Boris Herrmann / Team Malizia

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